Kiwanis Club of O’Fallon members and friends joined together to celebrate the holidays through a fundraiser with the City of O’Fallon. The City of O’Fallon decorates Fort Zumwalt Park with a mile-long lights display which draws 13,000 vehicles annually. The park is filled with scenes and displays constructed by the city, local businesses, and organizations.
O’Fallon Kiwanis members signed up to be gate attendants on November 29th and 30th. With bitter cold temperatures and a one-inch forecast of rain everyone wondered what Santa had planned for them.
For the two nights six Kiwanis members greeted people who had come to view the massive light displays strung throughout Fort Zumwalt Park in O’Fallon, Missouri.
Ed Radginski, Martha Radginski, Katie Page and Xandria Page greeted visitors and scanned in their prepaid tickets at the front gate while Tom Page and John Chambless helped a Park Ranger Police officer at the back gate to check in visitors for an hourly hayride. This was the first time our current club members participated in this fundraiser event.
Yes, it did rain and it was cold, but Kiwanis members and friends kept warm with propane heaters, drank hot chocolate and coffee plus sang Holiday carols to keep warm.
Gate Check In Area
Cars waiting to come into the display
One of hour heaters
Kiwanians Martha, Xandria and Katie & Ben from the City
Celebration Of Lights
Kiwanis Club of O’Fallon members and friends joined together to celebrate the holidays through a fundraiser with the City of O’Fallon. The City of O’Fallon decorates Fort Zumwalt Park with a mile-long lights display which draws 13,000 vehicles annually. The park is filled with scenes and displays constructed by the city, local businesses, and organizations.
O’Fallon Kiwanis members signed up to be gate attendants on November 29th and 30th. With bitter cold temperatures and a one-inch forecast of rain everyone wondered what Santa had planned for them.
For the two nights six Kiwanis members greeted people who had come to view the massive light displays strung throughout Fort Zumwalt Park in O’Fallon, Missouri.
Ed Radginski, Martha Radginski, Katie Page and Xandria Page greeted visitors and scanned in their prepaid tickets at the front gate while Tom Page and John Chambless helped a Park Ranger Police officer at the back gate to check in visitors for an hourly hayride. This was the first time our current club members participated in this fundraiser event.
Yes, it did rain and it was cold, but Kiwanis members and friends kept warm with propane heaters, drank hot chocolate and coffee plus sang Holiday carols to keep warm.