O’Fallon Kiwanis Club members participated in a Trunk or Treat held at the St. Charles County Boys & Girls Club in O’Fallon on October 26th. Kiwanis members Ed, Martha, Katie and John set up a tent next to Katie’s truck. Four students from Fort Zumwalt West High School Key Club (Isabella, Kayla, Isabella & Kassidy) dressed in costumes and joined the fun. Spiders, ghosts, witch decorations were put up and bags of candy opened. Under the tent we offered a corn hole and knock down the cans with stuffed bats games. Ed set up Halloween music and kids won rings or plastic dinosaurs for playing the games, plus candy! The Liberty High School Key Club decided to come to join in the fun. 824 kids came through that night. A fun time was had by all.
Katie is ready to start giving out candy
Halloween decorations and candy everywhere. John is ready for the fun to begin!
Ed is setting up the Halloween music
Ft Zumwalt West High School Key Club
John is set to start and Martha is still setting up decorations
Crowds of kids are lining up to begin the Trunk or Treat
Kids played “Knock down the cans” using stuffed bats and won prizes.
Key Club students ran the game and gave out prizes.
Ft Zumwalt West Key Club took care of the corn hole game.
Kids loved playing the games & getting prizes
The Liberty High School Key Club (Wentzville School District) decided to come to join in the fun. Liberty Key Club set up a “Candy Jail” to give out candy. Russell Haynes, Lieutenant Governor of Division Four of the MO-ARK Key Club District, dressed in stripes as a “jail-bird” and handed out candy to the kids.
Trunk or Treat
O’Fallon Kiwanis Club members participated in a Trunk or Treat held at the St. Charles County Boys & Girls Club in O’Fallon on October 26th. Kiwanis members Ed, Martha, Katie and John set up a tent next to Katie’s truck. Four students from Fort Zumwalt West High School Key Club (Isabella, Kayla, Isabella & Kassidy) dressed in costumes and joined the fun. Spiders, ghosts, witch decorations were put up and bags of candy opened. Under the tent we offered a corn hole and knock down the cans with stuffed bats games. Ed set up Halloween music and kids won rings or plastic dinosaurs for playing the games, plus candy! The Liberty High School Key Club decided to come to join in the fun. 824 kids came through that night. A fun time was had by all.
The Liberty High School Key Club (Wentzville School District) decided to come to join in the fun. Liberty Key Club set up a “Candy Jail” to give out candy. Russell Haynes, Lieutenant Governor of Division Four of the MO-ARK Key Club District, dressed in stripes as a “jail-bird” and handed out candy to the kids.