Every community has its own unique needs.
The O’Fallon Kiwanis works to help in the local community with the needs that exist.
We actively volunteer and support the Salvation Army and the Boys & Girls Club.
For many years the O’Fallon Kiwanis Club has been active in the City of O’Fallon –
Hertitage 4th of July Festival / Celebration of Lights / Adopt-A-Street
Partnering with organizations to build Playgrounds
Serving the Community
Every community has its own unique needs.
The O’Fallon Kiwanis works to help in the local community with the needs that exist.
We actively volunteer and support the Salvation Army and the Boys & Girls Club.
Adopt-A-Street (Woodlawn Ave)
For many years the O’Fallon Kiwanis Club has been active in the City of O’Fallon –
Hertitage 4th of July Festival / Celebration of Lights / Adopt-A-Street
Partnering with organizations to build Playgrounds